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# Lyric language: ????
It's a beggars life, said the Queen of Spain
But don't tell it to a poor man
Cause he's got to kill for every thrill
The best he can
Everywhere around me
I see jealousy and mayhem
Because no men have all their peace of mind
To carry them
Well I don't really care
If it's wrong or if it's right
But until my ship comes in
I'll live night by night

When the joker tried to tell me
I could cut it in this rube town
When he tried to hang that sign on me
I said take it down
When the dawn patrol got to tell you twice
They're gonna do it with a shotgun
Yes, I'm cashing in this ten-cent life
For another one

Well I ain't got the heart
To lose another fight
So until my ship comes in
I'll live night by night

Well I don't really care
If it's wrong or if it's right
But until my ship comes in
I'll live night by night
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