Get Up I Feel Like Being Like A Sex Machine, Pts. 1 & 2 - JAMES BROWN

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# Lyric language: ????
Fellas, I'm ready to get up and do my thing
I wanna get into it, man, you know
Like a, like a sex machine, man
Movin', doin' it, you know
Can I count it off? (Go ahead)

One, two, three, four

Get up, get on up
Get up, get on up
Stay on the scene like a sex machine

Wait a minute
Shake your arm; then use your form
Stay on the scene like a sex machine
You got to have the feeling sure as you're born
Get it together, right on, right on

Get up, get on up

I said the feeling you got to get
Give me the fever in a cold sweat
The way I like it is the way it is
I got mine and don't worry 'bout his

Get on up and then shake your money maker
Shake your money maker
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