He ain't too hip, about that new breed babe
He ain't no drag
Papa's got a brand new bag
Come here mama, and dig this crazy scene
He's not too fancy, but his line is pretty clean
He ain't no drag
Papa's got a brand new bag
He's doing the Jerk
He's doing the Fly
Don't play him cheap 'cause you know he ain't shy
He's doing the Monkey, the Mashed Potatoes
Jump back Jack, See you later alligator
Come here sister
Papa's in the swing
He ain't too hip now
But I can dig that new breed babe
He ain't no drag
He's got a brand new bag
Oh papa! He's doing the Jerk
Papa, he's doing the Jerk
He's doing the twist, just like this
He's doing the Fly every day and every night
The thing's, like the Boomerang
Hey, come on
Hey! Hey, come on
Hey! Hey, he's put tight, out of sight
Come on. Hey! Hey!
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