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# Lyric language: English
Somewhere down the road, you're gonna find a place
It seems so far, but it never is
and You won't need to stay, but you might lose your strength
on the way

Sometimes you may feel you're the only one
Cos all the things you thought were safe, ooh now they're gone
But you won't be alone, I'll be here to carry you along
Watching you 'til all the work is done

and When you find your heart, you'd better run with it
Cos when she comes along, she could be breaking it
No there's nothing wrong, you're learning to be strong
Don't look back
She may soon be gone, so don't look back
She's not the only one, remember that

If your heart is beating fast, then you know she's right
If you don't know what to say, well, that's all right
You don't know what to do?
Remember she is just as scared as you

Don't be shy, umm... when it hurts to say
Remember, you're gonna get hurt someday, anyway
Then you must lift your head, keep it there
Remember what I said
I'll always be with you don't forget
Just look over your shoulder I'll be there.

If you look behind you, I will be there.
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