Got To Be Certain - KYLIE MINOGUE
Kylie Ann Minogue (Melbourne, 28 maggio 1968) è una cantante, compositrice, attrice, stilista e produttrice discografica australiana naturalizzata britannica. Attiva dal 1979 come attrice e nell’industria discografica dal 1987, è una delle cantanti piú famose al mondo ed una delle artiste pop piú amate a livello mondiale, tanto da ricevere i soprannomi di Principessa del Pop e Regina del Pop. Da molti critici è reputata come la succeditrice di Madonna o addirittura l’anti-Madonna. Read more on
Why can't we be together
I keep saying won't you wait a while
What's all the hurry
I thought we had forever
I just need time 'til i can make up my mind
I'm not asking for
A love to last forever
I don't expect to get a guarantee
It's just that i believe
Lovers should stick together
I'm only saying
Won't you wait for me
I've got to be
Got to be certain
I've got to be so sure
I've had my share of hearts broken
And i don't want to take that any more
I've got some friends who say
Boys are all the same
They're only looking out for just one thing
I'm only hoping that
You won't turn out like that
I need some time 'til i can make up my mind
Been hurt in love before
But i still come back for more
I was such a fool
I couldn't stop myself
If you believe in me
If you want our love to be
I know you'll wait for me, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
[Chorus until fade]
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