I'll do what you want me to, or I'll do nothing at all!
(chorus 1)
I just want to be what you want me to be
Wind it up and see what you want me to be
I just want to be what you want me to be
A get me hot and see what you want me to be
(chorus 2)
If you want me to, I'll do it
If you want to dance lets get to it
Let's not take too long let's move it
Cause if you take too long, you lose it
(chorus 3)
Who said that funk was done just by one
Who said that it was never ever done?
Who said the two of us couldn't groove
It wasn't me but maybe it was you
(chorus 4)
Music is here for everyone
Just to dance just to have some fun
Just because, we did it before
Doesn't mean we can't have some more
(chorus 5)
I just want to be what you want me to be
Wind it up and see what you want me to be
I just want to be what you want me to be
I'll be your freaky deak if you want me to be
Play my music loud I'll do my dance for you
Cause when the music's pumping its hard to tell what we're gonna do
If you think you can we'll dance to death all night
Cause the pleasure I can give will make things turn out right
(chorus 2)
(chorus 3)
(chorus 4)
(chorus 5)
Music will make things turn out right
And I will dance till the broad day light
Feel my body fulfill your needs
Cause I know you're hungry
And I'm here to please
Alright, alright, alright, alright!
(chorus 5)
(chorus 3)
(chorus 4)
(Chorus 3)
Who said? We said? Who said?
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On Radio Subasio listen : Alibi - TANANAI
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