Hungry Like the Wolf - DURAN DURAN

I Duran Duran sono un gruppo musicale britannico, formatosi a Birmingham nel 1978; considerato parte del movimento new romantic (come Japan, Visage e Spandau Ballet) e uno dei gruppi-bandiera degli anni ottanta. L'attuale formazione del gruppo vede Simon Le Bon alla voce, Nick Rhodes alle tastiere, John Taylor al basso e Roger Taylor alla batteria. Si sono distinti per uno svariato numero di brani di successo e per l’isteria collettiva dei loro fan durante gli anni ottanta Read more on

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# Lyric language: English
Dark in the city, night is a wire
Steam in the subway, earth is a fire
Do dodo do dodo do dodo do dodo do doo doo
Woman, you want me, give me a sign
And catch my breathing even closer behind
Do dodo do dodo do dodo do dodo do doo doo

In touch with the ground
I'm on the hunt I'm after you
Smell like I sound, I'm lost in a crowd
And I'm hungry like the wolf
Straddle the line in discord and rhyme
I'm on the hunt I'm after you
Mouth is alive with juices like wine
And I'm hungry like the wolf

Stalked in the forest, too close to hide
I'll be upon you by the moonlight side
Do dodo do dodo do dodo do dodo do doo doo
High blood drumming on your skin, it's so tight
You feel my heat, I'm just a moment behind
Do dodo do dodo do dodo do dodo do doo doo

In touch with the ground
I'm on the hunt I'm after you
Scent and a sound, I'm lost and I'm found
And I'm hungry like the wolf
Strut on a line, it's discord and rhyme
I howl and I whine, I'm after you
Mouth is alive, all running inside
And I'm hungry like the wolf

Hungry like the wolf
Hungry like the wolf
Hungry like the wolf

Burning the ground, I break from the crowd
I'm on the hunt I'm after you
I smell like I sound, I'm lost and I'm found
And I'm hungry like the wolf
Strut on a line, it's discord and rhyme
I'm on the hunt I'm after you
Mouth is alive with juices like wine
And I'm hungry like the wolf
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