Love Will Find You - ROB ALEXANDER

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# Lyric language: ????
I wanna be good, I wanna do better
Wanna live long, be strong, but I know I won't live forever
So while I'm alive, I'm gonna make a spark
And I hope that my life will be a light
Shining bright for those who are lost in the dark
I wanna give love, I wanna have patience
Wanna feel the animal within
Be wild like the wind, but gracious

I'm gonna plant my seeds
I'm gonna watch them grow

And I hope that my forest
Will restore in us a chorus that was lost long ago
I feel the fire burning
I know the tide is turning our way
Though the skies might be gray
In the distance I can see blue
The sun has got to break through someday
And all that's left to say is love will find a way

Wanna hear my people singing
Singing songs of redemption
Singing songs of the truth
Singing songs of the peaceful warrior nation
Singing songs to the gods, of love and thankfulness
'cause we are alive
And we're striving to thrive
And we know that we're blessed
'cause we are the ones
Who come to wipe away the poison
That's been seeping into the heart
That's keeping us apart

Get down to the heart of the matter
All you're gonna find out
Is that all that matters is the heart
And at the end of the day
Love will find a way
How we gonna get anywhere
When everybody's running in place
Are we blind or are we just scared
Scared we're gonna come face to face
And have to face the things that we've done
Come to terms with what we've become

Come around and fix our mistakes
Only love can find a way
When the walls are crumbling
And that deadlines creeping up
When that debt comes calling
And the sky's falling from above
You can always count on love
I wanna swim seas, I wanna climb mountains
Wanna make angels in the snow
Dip my toes in the eternal fountain

Gonna speak the truth, and though I've told some lies
I'm gonna wear my heart out on my sleeve
For you to believe the honesty in my eyes
Keep me warm mama

Like a white dove of peace on a battlefield
Like a hungry, homeless man sharing his only meal
Like a man the doctor's said would die
But he was healed and all he did was pray
Love will find a way

Like a sunbeam breaking through the storm clouds
Like an innocent prisoner breaking out
Like a warrior who wants to run in the face of fear
But he chooses to stay, love will find a way

Like a rose growing out of the concrete
Like a man running marathons with no feet
Like a single mother working three jobs
Just to put food on the plate, love will find a way

Like a deaf man composing a symphony
Like an activist who chains herself up to a tree
Like a man who quits his job to follow his dreams
Without a penny to his name, love will find a way

Like a farmer growing crops in the desert sand
Like a masterpiece painted with a crippled hand
Like a surfer towing in, wearing a grin
Into a sixty foot wave, love will find a way

Like a guitar player, playing 'til his fingers bleed
Like a piano man with arthritis playing 'til three
Like a singer who is hoarse
But he still forces himself to take the stage
Love will find a way

Like a blind man seeing for the first time
Like a songwriter finding meaning in a rhyme
Like a poet who uses words as weapons
And lives to fight another day, love will find a way

Like a warm fire in winter or a summer breeze
Like a child turning her dreams into realities
Like a place where race, religion
Sex or creed or class don't have a name
Love will find a way
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September 2024 1 62

Il target di “Radio 90-4You” è costituito prima di tutto da chi ha “vissuto” gli anni ’90 musicalmente parlando, quindi un range di età che va dai 35 anni ai 60. Nel follow up si possono ascoltare le fasce tematiche in orari serali e notturni, con contenuti specifici e più approfonditi (e quindi anche meno noti) di alcuni generi musicali, tra cui la dance, il rock, i brani italiani e le love songs. L’emittente è stata concepita da Federico Stella, ideata e progettata da Alfredo Porcaro e Gianluca Guarnieri di Consulenza Radiofonica e l’editore Marco Cantarella. Gli studi principali sono a Romentino, alle porte di Novara in Piemonte affiancati in Sardegna a Carbonia grazie all’acquisizione di "Radio Carbonia" che ha una sua presenza costante con trasmissioni geolocalizzate sotto la direzione artistica di Emanuele Ledda.


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