Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quamquam tu hanc copiosiorem etiam soles dicere.

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# Lyric language: English
People getting busy with their wallet in their mind
The girl is wearing Gucci and she's shaking her behind
She's not just a diva queen empress
She's the kind of girl I really like to undress

While she taking my order of burger and fries
I find myself fiddling with my open flies
I the kinda boy who really want to get with
The kinda girl who really really want to give
Me head everyday while scratching my behind
I take her even she maimed, disabled or blind
I'm stable, I'm tolerant, I'm open, I'm kind
I take her even if she maimed, disabled or blind

You know I not just a prejudiced
Bigot xenophobic chauvanist
I like to fuck with minorities
And don't need no prize for Nobel Peace

It's enough if the world would be unified
And ladies everywhere would be satisfied
We can all band together around my cock
And the problems of the world will be forgot
My holy seed will help to heal the wounds
And stop the earthquakes and monsoons
Drought and famine eliminated
Me and my dick commemorated

This is my suggestion for world peace how to stop all this injustice
Inequality, hate, and corruption
With free collective copulation

Free Collective Copulation
Sing: Free Collective Copulation
Free Collective Copulation
Sing: Free Collective Copulation

Maimed, blind
Deaf, dumb
Gypsy, Mauri, African
Jew, Sikh, Bavarian
Hindu, Buddhist, Aryan
Ossie, Wessie, Siberian
Geordie, Brummie, Mankie scum
Pygmy, Honky, Eskimo
Redneck, Hippy, Latino
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