Waiting for you in vain
I can't hear your voice
Although I call your name
I can't go on but I still hang on just the same
I've spent endless nights
Crying you name out loud
But still remain
Alone in an empty crowd
As time goes on I realize you'll never change
I say a prayer
I count the hours
I hear a voice but it's not yours
I count the score
I can't go on playing the waiting game
If you should ever change your mind
I'll be there just call my name
Until then I'll be playing the waiting game
I've waited too long
Wishing my life away
Convincing myself
Tomorrow you'd change your ways
I can't go on but I still hang on just the same
I say a prayer
I count the hours
I hear a voice but it's not yours
I count the score
I can't go on playing the waiting game
All you left me with emptiness
Now everyday seems the same
You've gone but I'm still playing the waiting game
If you should ever change your mind
I'll be there just call my name
Until then I'll be playing the waiting game
I've waited too long for you to change your ways
Playing the waiting game
All you left me with emptiness
Now everyday seems the same
You've gone but I'm still playing the waiting game
If you should ever change your mind
I'll be there just call my name
Unitl then I'll be playing the waiting game
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On Radio Subasio listen : Heroes - DAVID BOWIE
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