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# Lyric language: English
Lover, lover let's pretend
We're born as innocents
Cast into the world
With apple eyes

To wish wish dangerous
My dear delirious
To try and leave
The rest of us behind

Shot full of diamonds
And a million years
The disappointed disappear
Like they were never here

Kiss kiss all of this
The hiss that we had miss
And understand what can't be understood

Sear those thoughts of me
Alone and unhappy
I never liked me anyway

If by chance
Or circumstance
We should fail
Don't be so sad

Shot full of diamonds
And a million years
The disappointed disappear
Like they were never here

In a dream
We are connected
Siamese twins
At the wrist

And then I knew we'd been forsaken
Expelled from paradise
I can't believe them
When they say that it's alright

Words can't define what I feel inside
Who needs them?
Caught with this virus of my mind
I give in to my disease, of my needs
To my disease, of my needs

She really loves to break
Her dad says it's OK
She really loves to break
And give it all away

Her ma says she's afraid
What more can she fake
She really needs to break
And give herself away

She gave it all away
She gave it all away
She gave it all away
We really love the USA
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September 2024 1 52

Il target di “Radio 90-4You” è costituito prima di tutto da chi ha “vissuto” gli anni ’90 musicalmente parlando, quindi un range di età che va dai 35 anni ai 60. Nel follow up si possono ascoltare le fasce tematiche in orari serali e notturni, con contenuti specifici e più approfonditi (e quindi anche meno noti) di alcuni generi musicali, tra cui la dance, il rock, i brani italiani e le love songs. L’emittente è stata concepita da Federico Stella, ideata e progettata da Alfredo Porcaro e Gianluca Guarnieri di Consulenza Radiofonica e l’editore Marco Cantarella. Gli studi principali sono a Romentino, alle porte di Novara in Piemonte affiancati in Sardegna a Carbonia grazie all’acquisizione di "Radio Carbonia" che ha una sua presenza costante con trasmissioni geolocalizzate sotto la direzione artistica di Emanuele Ledda.


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